Lincoln Mitchell Starts a New Project
Lincoln Mitchell is a political scientist and teaches at Columbia University. He has extensive experience in foreign policy and American politics. He’s also a lifelong baseball fan who has lived most of his life in New York or San Francisco.
Mitchell recently launched a Substack called Kibitzing with Lincoln. I got in touch with him to discuss his new project and more.
This interview has been edited lightly.
What does everybody need to know about Kibitzing with Lincoln?
Kibitzing with Lincoln is a Substack for people who want to read a progressive and analytically sharp take on some combination of politics, foreign policy, San Francisco and baseball. I have been writing books, opinion columns, blogs and policy articles about these topics for decades and am now bringing my work together in one place.
My writing is accessible but draws on a deep knowledge and study of politics, history and baseball. If you are interested in a perspective on housing, crime, punk rock or politics in San Francisco that goes beyond the positions of the tech ascendancy that dominates the local media there, of national politics that looks at the crisis of American democracy in a broader and sometimes global perspective or baseball that is grounded in a lifetime of watching, coaching, playing and reading…