My Latest: “Sri Lanka’s New Task Forces Will Fuel Oppression and Majoritarianism”
Unfortunately, the Sri Lanka Nidahas Podujana Sandanaya claims that recently-created Presidential Task Forces “were appointed for observation purposes only” are not believable at all (“Presidential Task Forces appointed for observation purposes only: SLNPS”).
Besides, even if that were the case, it’s obviously unconstructive to have military personnel monitoring or interfering in more aspects of civilian life.
The task forces will undoubtedly contribute to expanding militarization and a general disregard for the rule of law, both of which seem to be priorities for the president and his allies.
Task forces with broad or unnecessarily vague mandates are generally extremely unhelpful, at best. The fact that the bodies are dominated by militarily personnel and do not reflect the country’s considerable diversity is worrisome too.
The task forces seem designed to promote Sinhala-Buddhist supremacy, heighten militarization and fuel oppression.
The bodies pose a clear and present danger to ordinary people, particularly ethnic and religious minorities. They should be disbanded without delay.
*A similar version of this letter will run in tomorrow’s Daily FT.