On Liberty and Oppression
Over at The Canberra Times, Charles Edel has a piece that’s worth reading.
Here’s one paragraph:
The light of liberty and the darkness of oppression are the twin stands of American history. As America confronts a world where authoritarian powers, led by Beijing and Moscow, have become more repressive at home and increasingly aggressive abroad, America is also in the midst of a deep, painful and necessary reckoning over the systemic racism that permeates its society, disfigures its institutions, and debases its ideals.
Here’s another paragraph:
The reality is that America does not have the luxury to choose whether it should address racial inequality at home, or call out and challenge illiberalism abroad. It must do both. America must address its contradictions head-on, reconciling its ideals with the painful lived experiences of millions of its citizens. Meanwhile America and its allies must continue to press the cause of liberty and democracy in the world, because these values must be defended against those who would subvert, undermine, and extinguish them.