The Trouble with the WHO

Taylor Dibbert
1 min readMay 8, 2020

Paul Roderick Gregory’s Hill op-ed about the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 and more is worth reading.

Here’s one paragraph:

The impressed WHO commissioners had kudos for China’s generous contribution to the world community, too. After all, China’s protective measures have “played a significant role in protecting the global community and creating a stronger first line of defense against international spread” despite the “great cost and sacrifice by China and its people, in both human and material terms.”

Here’s his concluding paragraph:

The WHO delegation appears to reflect a preference for authoritarian regimes, whose leaders can make “agile and aggressive” decisions in the name of their people who played no role in their selection.



Taylor Dibbert

Taylor Dibbert is a writer, journalist, and poet in Washington, DC. "Rescue Dog," his fifth book, was published in May.